Family Group Residential Health/Social Care Professional Volunteer (Diabetes UK Birmingham Parents Group)

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Available from 13 May 2022 to 15 May 2022

Diabetes UK Birmingham Parents Group is organising a residential event at the Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer, Kidderminster DY14 8JG during the weekend of 13-15 May 2022. The event is for children and young people living with type 1 diabetes who are receiving care from the Diabetes Specialist Nursing Team at Birmingham Children's Hospital.

The event is designed to give children and young people an opportunity to enjoy fun activities away from their parents/carers, often for the first time, in a safe environment. Attending the event will give the children and young people the chance to meet and share experiences with peers who know what living with type 1 diabetes is like. We hope that all the children and young people who attend, leave the event feeling more confident and more interested in managing their own diabetes.

Our volunteers are part of a multidisciplinary team, to support children and young people with type 1 diabetes during the event so that they enjoy activities they may not have previously experienced, develop confidence, personal resilience and make new friends.

This opportunity is only available to professional volunteers who support our Birmingham Parents Group. If you'd like to hear about other opportunities at Diabetes UK please get in touch with us.